Uh oh.
Okay, I really wasn't too nervous. If it was something bad, they'd call me, right? Right?????
So here's the email I got back today. I knew I had a good kid, but it's so nice to see other's recognizing it as well. I'm very proud of my boy.
Thank you for emailing me...I just wanted to touch base with you as I have been overwhelmingly impressed by William! He does a phenomenal job both in class discussions and in labs. He has really shown a great concern for others and I appreciate the knowledge he brings into my class.
So with that...I want to thank you!
Have a wonderful day and please let me know if there is ever a question or concern!
Mrs. Science Teacher
Here's a picture of William on the first day of school. He hardly put up with it, and refused to let me take a picture of him getting on the bus. He thought that it would embarass him now that he's in Middle School. Silly boy ;) (no I wouldn't really do that to him, but it's fun teasing him).
I love how you signed it Mrs. Science teacher! Dunno why but it made me chuckle!
Awwww that made me almost tear up and I barely know you, you must be soooo proud!
You have a great kid, Angela! And what a nice complement to you as his mom...
William sounds like a great kid! And how awesome of the teacher to take the time to tell you!!
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